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What is CPU? Know why CPU is called the brain of computer

What is CPU? Know why CPU is called the brain of computer

CPU, which is the brain of the computer. Have you ever wondered why CPU is called the brain of computer? .. Why is CPU so important for computer? .. If you do not know about it then it does not matter. In today's post, you will get complete information about CPU.

There is a main role of CPU in the working of computer. Without this, the computer cannot do anything. Let's understand CPU Ki Information in Detail.

What is CPU?

The CPU is also called the brain of the computer, it is the main part of the computer. It is also called Processor or Microprocessor. All the computer software is installed in the CPU itself, it controls all the functions of the computer.

The CPU processes the information coming to the computer, all the data of the computer is stored in the CPU itself. Whatever input we put in the computer, the CPU processes that data and converts it into output.


Do you know how many buttons are there in CPU? .. So friends CPU usually has 3 Button. The first is for On / Off, the second for Restart and the third is Button to open and close the Cd Slot. By the way, each CPU is different in which the number of Button also varies which can be from 6 to 7.

Friends, all types of CPUs vary. Hence CPU price also varies. The CPU price is determined by the company.

Whatever information is given in the computer, the CPU operates all those information such as Arithmetic, Logic and other information. The CPU is also called the Processing Unit, in today's time, along with the size of the computer, the size of the CPU has also reduced.

So this was the definition of C.P.U.

But have you ever thought that…

How does CPU work?

You must have seen the CPU while using the computer and must have thought that it remains connected to the computer, then friends do not work only because the CPU does not work.

Know how CPU works.

There is a Chip inside the CPU, it is called Processor. The Processor controls all components of the computer. A Processor is an electronic device that is embedded in a computer's motherboard. Processor performs all the programming of computer.

So this is how CPU works.

Friends CPUs consist of some parts

These parts of the CPU are very main parts.

main parts of cpu

Next, you have been told about the parts that make up the CPU, so let's know how many parts of the CPU are there.
cpu main parts

ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit)

This unit performs Arithmetic Calculation, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. It also performs logical operations, such as comparing, matching, speeding up the working ALU.


Memory is the main part of CPU, it is a storage device. It is used to store data in a computer. It is also called Computer's Main Memory, Internal Memory, Primary Memory.

Cu (Control Unit)

It receives information from the computer's memory and controls Input - Output. Control Unit controls all the functions of a computer.

These were the CPU Ke Main Parts Now we will learn more about some more parts of CPU.

Internal Parts Of CPU

Parts inside CPU

Above we told you the main parts of the CPU. Now we will tell you about the internal parts of the CPU.


All the hardware of the motherboard computer such as - Mouse, Key-board, puts the printer together. The Motherboard is the Main Printed Circuit Board of the Computer and the Central Communication Board of the Computer.


 The full name of Ram is Random Access Memory. It is embedded inside the CPU. Ram Computer has a Memory Device. It is made of a chip. It is paired with the Computer Motherboard. Ram has direct connection with CPU.

Hard Disk:

 It stores a lot of information. Hard Disk has memory permanent. Even after shutting down the computer, the Save Program and Data Save remains in it, does not end.

Power Supply:

 It supplies power to the computer and is fitted with a fan, it has different types of wires for power supply to Mother Board, Hard Disk, Dvd Writer. Its Main Switch is behind the CPU.


Rom's Full Form is Read Only Memory. It is the internal storage device of the computer. In this, you cannot change the files stored in it, if the stored files are connected to the computer software, then changing the more can cause a problem in the computer.

What are CPU Ke Main Parts? We told you this, now we will tell you what CPU works

CPU functions

Friends, have you wondered what is the main function of CPU? .. If you do not know what is the function of CPU then you know further.

cpu function

The CPU controls all the functions of the computer.
Processes the information received from the computer.
It processes the input and provides the output.
All the processing of the computer is done in the CPU itself.

So these are the tasks of CPU that CPU has to do.

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